Aktif-Karbonun Etkili Olduğu Maddeler

shdowstunerÇevrim Dışı

Kayıt: 19/04/2010
İl: Ankara
Mesaj: 8
shdowstunerÇevrim Dışı
Gönderim Zamanı: 08 Temmuz 2010 12:46
* Acetic acid 4 Dichloroethylene 4 Isopropyl alcohol 4 Propyl chloride 4
Acetic anhydride 4 Dichloroethyl ether 4 Masking agents 4 Propyl ether 4
Acetone 3 Dichloromonofluomethane 3 Medicinal odors 4 Propyl mercaptan 4
* Acetylene 1 Dichloromonofluomethane 3 Melons 4 * Propyne 2
* Acrolein 3 Dichloropropane 4 Menthol 4 Putrefying substances 3
Acrylic acid 4 Dichlorotetrafluroethane 4 Mercaptans 4 Putrescine 3
Acrylonitrile 4 Diesel fumes fumeador 4 Methane 1 Radiation products 2
Adhesives 4 * Diethylamine 3 Methyl acetate 3 Rancid oil 4
Air-Wick 4 Doethyl ketone 4 Methyl acrylic 4 Resins 4
Alcoholic beverages 4 Dimethylaniline 4 Methyl alcohol 3 Reodorants 4
* Amines 2 Dimethylsulfate 4 Methyl bromide 3 Ripening fruits 4
* Ammonia 2 Dioxane 4 Methyl butyl ketone 4 Rubber 4
Amyl acetate 4 Dipropyl ketone 4 Methyl cellosolve 4 Sauerkraut 4
Amyl alcohol 4 Disinfectants 4 Methyl cellosolve acetate 4 Sewer odors 4
Amyl ether 4 Embalming odors 4 Methyl chloride 3 Skatole 4
Animal odors 3 Ethane 1 Methyl chloroform 4 Slaughtering odors 3
Anesthetics 3 Ether 3 Methyl ether 3 Smog 4
Aniline 4 Ethyl acetate 4 Methyl ether ketone 4 Smoke 4
Antiseptics 4 Ethyl acrylic 4 Methyl formate 3 Soaps 4
Asphalt fumes 4 Ethyl alcohol 4 Methyl isobutl ketone 4 Solvents 3
Automobile exhaust 3 * Ethylamine 3 Methyl mercaptan 4 Sour milk 4
Bathroom smells 4 Ethyl benzene 4 Methylcyclohexane 4 Spilled beverages 4
Benzene 4 Ethyl bromide 4 Methylcyclohexanol 4 Spoiled foodstuffs 4
* Bleaching solutions 3 Ethyl chloride 3 Methylcyclohexanone 4 Stoddard solvent 4
Body odors 4 Ethyl ether 3 Methyl oxide 4 Stuffiness 4
Borane 3 * Ethyl formate 3 Methylene chloride 1 Styrene monomer 4
Bromine 4 Ethyl mercaptan 3 Methylmethacrylate 4 * Sulfur dioxide 2
Burned flesh 4 Ethyl silicate 4 Mildew 3 * Sulfur trioxide 3
Burned food 4 * Ethylene 1 Mixed odors 4 Sulfuric acid 4
Burning fat 4 Ethylene chlorhydrin 1 Mold 3 Tar 4
Butadiene 3 Ethylene dichloride 4 Monochlorobenzene 4 * Tarnishing gases 3
Butane 2 Ethylene oxide 4 Monoflurotrichloromethane 4 Tetrachlorethylene 4
Butanone 4 Essential oils 3 Mothballs 4 Tetrachloroethane 4
Butyl acetate 4 Eucalyptole 4 Naptha (coal tar) 4 Toilet odors 4
Butyl cellosolve 4 Exhaust fumes 4 Naptha (petroleum) 4 Toulene 4
Butyl chloride 4 Fertilizer 3 Napthalene 4 Toluidine 4
Butyl ether 4 Film processing odors 4 Nicotine 4 Trichlorethylene 4
* Butylene 2 Fish odors 3 * Nitric acid 3 Trichloroethane 4
* Butyne 2 Floral scents 4 Nitro benzenes 4 Urea 4
* Butyraldehyde 3 Flurotrichloromethane 4 Nitroethane 4 Uric acid 4
Butyric acid 4 Food aromas 3 * Nitrogen dioxide 2 Valeric acid 4
Cadaverine 3 * Formaldehyde 4 Nitroglycerine 4 Valericaldehyde 4
Camphor 4 Formic acid 2 Nitromethane 4 Varnish fumes 4
Cancer odor 4 Fuel gases 3 Nitropropane 4 Vinegar 4
Caprylic acid 4 Fumes 2 Nonane 4 Vinyl chloride 3
Carbolic acid 4 Gangrene 3 Octalene 4 Waste products 3
Carbon disulfide 4 Garlic 4 Octane 4 Wood Alcohol 3
* Carbon dioxide 1 Gasoline 4 Odorants 4 Xylene 4
Carbon monixide 1 Heptane 4 Onions 4
Carbon tetrachloride 4 Heptylene 4 Organic chemicals 4
Cellosolve 4 Hexane 4 Ozone 4
Cellosolve acetate 4 * Hexylene 3 Packing house odors 4
Charred materials 4 * Hexyne 3 Paint odor 4
Cheese 4 Hospital odors 3 Paste and glue 4
Chlorine 3 Household smells 4 Pentane 3
Chlorobenzene 4 Hydrogen 4 Pentanone 4
Chlorbutadiene 4 Hydrogen bromide 1 * Pentylene 3
Chloroform 4 * Hydrogen chloride 2 * Pentyne 3
Chloronitropropane 4 * Hydrogen cyanide 2 Perchloroethylene 4
Chloropicrin 4 * Hydrogen sulfide 3 Perfumes, costmetics 4
Cigarette smoke odor 4 Incense 4 Perspirations 4
Citrus and other fruits 4 Indole 4 Pet odors 4
Cleaning compounds 4 Industrial wastes 3 Phenol 4
Combustion odors 3 Iodine 4 Phoagne 3
Corrosive gases 3 Iodoform 4 Popcorn and candy 4
Cooking odors 4 Irritants 4 Poultry odors 4
Creosote 4 Isophorone 4 Propane 2
Creosol 4 * Isoprene 3 * Propionaldehyde 3
Crotonaldehyde 4 Isopropyl acetate 4 Propionic acid 4

4- Çok İyi 3-iyi 2-Orta 1-Zayıf

Evet Araştırırken Buldum Buraya Eklemek İstedim.Akvaryumlarımıızda Başa Bela Amonyak Nitrat Gibi Maddeleride Orta Derece Tutma Özelliğine Sahip.ve En Cok Korktuğumuz Yeni Kurulmuş Akvaryumlarda Solvent ten Ethere Kadar Maddeleri Tutabiliyor.İsterseniz Kaynakta Belirtebilirm.Karbonunda Sürekli Kullanımı Konusunda Belki Tartışma Ortamı Daha Sağlıklı Olabilir

Ayrıca Bu Değerler Aşağıdaki Koşullara Göre Artıp Azalabilir.

1- Filtre işleminde kullanılan aktif karbon mineralinin fiziksel ve kimyasal özellikleri,
2- Suyun aktif karbon ile olan temas süresi (mineral miktarı),
3- Mineral tankının çapı (Suyun geçiş hızı),

shdowstuner2010-07-08 13:00:23

Teşekkür Edenler: [T]210966,rdroo[/T]

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