Today In The Fishroom~12/05/10 F0 P. managuense "Honduras"

AquamojoÇevrim Dışı

Kayıt: 23/10/2010
Mesaj: 124
AquamojoÇevrim Dışı
Gönderim Zamanı: 06 Aralık 2010 05:01
F0 Honduran Managuense are breeding again. The female already laid the eggs.  Whenever the male approaches the eggs, the female will display and moth the male.

I had two flash units on top of the tank and two below.  In their highly active state of breeding everything is checked carefully.  Here's the pair staring at the flash units below.

The female has eggs spread all over the rocks.  Very unusual this time around as she abandoned the area where she has spawned dozens of times before.  Here she is inspecting the eggs below the top of the slate.

NOT checking the flash,but collecting the eggs that have rolled loose across the bottom of the tank.  You can see the little yellowish colored egg just to the right of her bottom lip.

Glamor with her eggs.  She coated all sides of the slate.

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Gürkan HocaÇevrim Dışı

Özel Üye
Kayıt: 23/03/2009
İl: Istanbul
Mesaj: 3278
Gürkan HocaÇevrim Dışı
Özel Üye
Gönderim Zamanı: 06 Aralık 2010 13:18
Thank you Mo. Do you share photos of your fish room downstairs.?
I found one on the net

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