Today In The Fishroom~4/22/11 P. fredrichsthali 1/2" fry

AquamojoÇevrim Dışı

Kayıt: 23/10/2010
Mesaj: 124
AquamojoÇevrim Dışı
Gönderim Zamanı: 23 Nisan 2011 06:01
Beauty in motion even at a small size.  I have a grow out tank with these now 1/2 inch fry.  This is the "Yellow Head". Here's daddy.

Hard to believe they start out like this.

Zooming in on a pellet that got stuck in the grass (plastic).  Sometimes I will drop in one or two small pellets rather than give fry food.  I beleive this helps keep the water cleaner longer.  The fry nibble off the pellet.

This size fry are one of the hardest to photograph.  They are so very tiny and in constant motion.  

Sometimes that motion pays off with some neat shots.  Graceful moves even at a tiny size.

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KribensisÇevrim Dışı

Kayıt: 11/07/2008
İl: Ankara
Mesaj: 3530
KribensisÇevrim Dışı
Gönderim Zamanı: 23 Nisan 2011 07:25
Great photos. Thanks.

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